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A New Opportunity for Advertisers: E-Sports

ReklamStore By ReklamStore

Many major sports events including Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and UEFA European Football Championship are cancelled because of COVID – 19 pandemic this year. Also, many national sport organizations like NBA and Premier League had to go down for several months. But the need remained unchanged. Since the gladiator times, people needed spectacle sports for entertainment. For thousands of people, e-sports come to rescue in these boring isolation days.

Gamers used to be creepy, weird looking nerds to most of society. But today, this perception is changing.

The main reason behind this change is simple: There are more people involved with games today thanks to consoles and mobile gaming. At the end of 2020, the global gaming industry is expected to generate nearly 160 billion US dollars of revenue.

As more people know about games, more people enjoy other people playing games.

A Survival Guide for Local Business Owners in COVID-19 Days

ReklamStore By ReklamStore

Coronavirus not only affected our health but also our pockets. The global scale economic crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to shut their doors. Because of their fragile financial structure, local businesses took the major hit. Today we’ll have some advice for local business owners to survive COVID-19 days.

5 Affiliate Marketing Tips for Publishers

ReklamStore By ReklamStore

No need to say publishing is a different game today. No matter you are a beginner or spent lots of years of your life in the publishing business, you have to learn how you can make money on digital.

We’ll give you some important tips for one of the most important revenue resources for publishers to : Affiliate Marketing. Using these tips will enable you to create wonderful content and keep your financial independence.

The Impact of Google’s May 2020 Core Update

ReklamStore By ReklamStore

As you probably know Google is constantly updating its search algorithm to provide better search results. And from time to time, almost three or four times a year, these updates are huge and Google calls them “core update”.

The last core update was rolled out on May 4, 2020, and it was one of the biggest updates that Google made for years. Many sites lost thousands of daily traffic, while some others won. Naturally, everyone in the digital marketing world, especially the SEO community are asking the same two questions: “What happened?” and “What do I have to do?”

How COVID 19 Changed the Media

ReklamStore By ReklamStore

During the Coronavirus crisis, you probably remembered the “real” function of the black box sitting in your living room. We are talking about your TV. This device you used for a very long time as a larger display for your laptop or the monitor of your gaming console has become a news source through TV channels. Many of us changed our media consumption habits during the Coronavirus crisis.