It is possible that users of Google Ads have been thinking about parallel tracking for some time. It is of great importance for advertisers to have more detailed information about the parallel tracking feature that Google launched as an option in May and started sending informative e-mails about a few months ago.

As of October 30, 2018, Google Ads’ ad tracking solution is becoming required for all ad accounts. Therefore, it would be useful for advertising campaigns to investigate how they will be affected by this feature. In particular, advertisers using third-party ad tracking software need to make sure their software is compatible with this new feature.

Here are the important details about Google Ads Parallel Tracking…


Introduction to Parallel Tracking

Launched in May and running only on Chrome and on Android devices until October 30th, parallel tracking will be available in more browsers and campaigns as of October 30th. However, if your online ads are displayed on a browser where parallel tracking is not yet supported, Google will automatically revert to the previously used sequential tracking.

In this sense, in order to better understand parallel tracking, its difference from sequential tracking is worth mentioning. In sequential tracking, the online user first goes through the tracking server upon clicking your ad, before being redirected to the URL of the website. On the other hand in parallel tracking, users can access the URL directed by the ad, while click measurement is performed in the background.

What Does Parallel Tracking Do?

This tracking method aims to make the landing page load much faster and thus prevent the loss of visitors. So the web experience can be improved and campaigns can be made more efficient. Because through parallel tracking feature, it is possible to lead online users directly to the web site and perform click measurement at the same time. The advantage of this feature is expected to be most noticeable in slow-running browsers.

How Can You Prepare?

Advertisers who do not use third-party tracking platforms are not required to do any preliminary work to prepare for parallel tracking. However, you can still enable parallel tracking over your Google Ads account and check if your URLs are working. For this, you can use the test feature provided by Google.

For those using third party ad tracking software, it would be helpful to consult with their providers whether click measurement systems are compatible with parallel tracking. If you have incompatibility with parallel tracking, your landing page or click measurement may stop working when you activate this feature. In this case, the most sensible step would be for your click-measurement provider to edit the tracking templates.

It is very important that you work with expert solution partners to adapt to any developments in the digital advertising world and increase the efficiency of your advertising campaigns. If you also want to use the most suitable advertising technologies for your company, you can contact ReklamStore, which provides end-to-end digital advertising solutions. Create your ReklamStore account now and start making a difference right away.