What we call web traffic today is actually mostly mobile traffic. Mobile traffic accounts for at least 60% of total web traffic in most countries. Advertisers are very interested in mobile devices because mobile users are much easier to track down than desktop users.

It’s clear that mobile marketers collect massive amounts of data. But a cookie-free future may be full of great struggles for them. Although it is not easy to overcome these problems, there are some ways.

Creating Value

The number one goal of every mobile marketer should be to obtain voluntary consent from users. For this, the value created by my communication platform must be equal for both parties. In other words, you need to create value for your users as much as they create value for you.

The concept of “value” has a very broad definition. “Value” can be personalized content or promotional codes. You should decide the value of your drink according to the dynamics of the communication platform you have and be fair to your users.

Finding the Right Context

In modern marketing, context is one of the most important variables for creating effective communication. Mobile platforms, on the other hand, have great advantages in detecting context.

Thanks to mobile devices, it is possible to detect many behaviors and geographical locations of the user. For example, showing low prices to a user doing product research on a mobile phone in a shopping mall means communicating effectively with the user in the right context. However, of course, it is necessary to give importance to creating value while establishing this contextual communication. Otherwise, this communication can turn into an annoying experience for the user.

Brand Apps

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest dreams of every brand manager is to have the application of his brand downloaded by the masses. However, it is not that easy. Because people are very selective about the applications they will install on their phones and the permissions they give to these applications.

Mobile apps are great for identifying the user. However, a brand needs to do more than others to get its app installed.

Making the mobile app part of the mix while integrating marketing efforts can be a good solution. The automotive and white goods sectors have been successfully implementing this strategy for a while. With the mobile app, you can keep track of when your car needs service or how long the warranty on your fridge lasts.

The end of third-party cookies is not the end of the world. You need to stop relying on just one piece of code to identify users. When you create real value for your users, you will really start to get to know them.