We discuss the value of the gaming sector for advertising. However, when we compare the size of the industry with the existing advertising expenditures, we see that the gaming industry is not given enough space in advertising without the need for a long analysis. We would like to examine this issue more thoroughly.

Is It Still a Niche?

We can say that the advertising industry’s biggest bias against the idea of “game” is that this idea is still seen as a niche. But that is not how things actually are. To categorize gamers as a niche audience now, when mobile games have significantly increased the number of casual players, would be to demonstrate a shocking lack of knowledge.

One can categorize the players into hardcore and casual gamers. Casual gamers are those that play video games for fun, typically on their mobile devices. Hardcore players, on the other hand, are individuals who incorporate PC gaming into every aspect of their lives.

It is certain that the advertising industry has developed a certain understanding of casual gamers. Investments and advertising-related technologies are growing quickly. However, it’s uncertain how much is sufficient.

On the other side, the advertising business has no idea who the audience for hardcore players is. Something is known to be going on there, but no real effort is being made.

The following details need to be understood: The video game industry is larger than the combined size of the movie and sports industries. Globally, there are 2.7 billion players. And these are significant numbers.

Chance for the Perfect Context

Creating engagement is one of the main issues facing modern advertising. Ads must be presented to the intended audience in the appropriate context in order to generate engagement. Games offer this context.

Games undoubtedly rank among the content types with the highest levels of engagement. Both movies and sporting activities can’t keep viewers glued to the screen. Sometimes, even during the most thrilling tournament finals, we check our phones.

Games are not like that. The video games provide an engaging experience. They also provide it every day, not only on particular days. The typical gamer plays for seven hours per week.

It is true that there is tremendous potential here. Advertisers must effectively utilize this potential. According to the context, they must insert their advertisements inside the games.

For a long time, automakers have included their vehicles in racing simulations. This is a good example of product placement by context. However, it’s pretty simple. It is possible to make more sophisticated integrations with today’s technology.

The ad industry has to learn more about the gaming sector and broaden its current understanding of games. The game world no longer being a mysterious box will be advantageous for both the advertising industry and the gaming sector.