Video ads grounded on accurate strategies and insights are an important key point for companies that want to reach their marketing goals. Findings obtained by numerous studies seem to collaborate this statement. According to statistics for the year 2017; 55 percent of all digital device users watch online videos on a daily basis. Moreover, it is no secret that users watching video ads are more prone to purchasing items compared to those that do not watch video ads. Besides these facts, studies reveal that companies including video ads in their marketing plans for the year 2018 are at a level of 65 percent.

In light of these data, it might simply be concluded that, being one of the rising trends in digital advertising, video ads are highly effective in increasing sales and brand recognition. And what’s more is that the video ad model -along with all these benefits- is finding its way more and more into marketing budgets of advertisers with each passing day. Nonetheless, there are also advertisers that don’t experience these advantages of video ads. At this point, it would be of great use to define the common grounds of failing video ad campaigns and to perform the necessary improvements.

That being said, what might be the common mistakes that lead advertisers to failure while preparing the video ads?


1) Ignoring Target Audience’s Expectations

One of the biggest mistakes that’s being made could be creating video contents without having adequate knowledge about the target audience. Evidently; investigation of the target audience’s features and areas of interest, and assessment of their channel preference allows you to attain realistic information on how and on which platform you should create your content, and for whom. Reaching out to a population who would pretty likely be interested in the ad content gives you the opportunity to both increase your conversion rate and to prevent budget losses.

2) Excessive Focus on Sales

Just as it is with all advertising models, excessive exposure of online users to sale-oriented messages through the video ad content, might adversely affect the advertising campaign. It would be wise to ensure that the ad content possesses an effective language that values the customers as it delivers related benefits. It is possible to attract users’ attention by creating a video that encourages purchasing a certain product with a content that raises curiosity, that makes people laugh or that is of informational nature.

3) Using CTA That Does Not Contribute to Conversion Rate

Adding an action phrase (Call to Action) to the video ad content that moves users, would encourage the target audience to take a step forward in the direction to the brand. Without the presence of a convincing slogan or an attention-grabbing redirect button, it might take a whole lot of time for the advertisement to meet its objectives. Keeping this in mind, adding a CTA to your video content that moves users by providing information on the next step, would highly ease attaining success with respect to conversion rates.

4) Choosing a Wrong Channel

Creating a single video ad content and sharing it through all digital channels might seem advantageous both time and budget-wise. However, it should never be forgotten that each and every channel has its unique characteristics. For instance, it’s preferred that the contents offered to the target audience on social media platforms to have a shareable nature. Whereas the content prepared for websites are expected to be more informational. Considering all these facts, it’s important to ensure that your video content is prepared in line with the platform’s unique flow and characteristics.

5) Not Working With an Advertising Platform

Quality of the video ads has a critical role not only in promoting the product and service but also in shaping the perception of the advertising brand. Hence, it is vital that the video ads should be created so that they are free of any flaws while serving their purposes, and to broadcast such ads in correct platforms. Receiving expert guidance on this topic would not only help you make your video ads successful but also manage your budget effectively.

You might, in this sense, be in need of an advertising platform that would effectively guide you by accurately analyzing your brand and your target audience. Providing end-to-end advertising solutions, ReklamStore family can help you attain your goals within the shortest time possible by utilizing advertising technologies that are suited for your brand. Create your ReklamStore account right away and take the first step in achieving your goals within the shortest time possible!