To be honest, nobody enjoys advertisements. Because of this, adblockers are becoming more and more popular worldwide. Since the first adblocker was released in 2002, a lot has happened in the online community. Today, adblockers are used by almost 40% of internet users. This is a dilemma for both advertisers and publishers, who depend on adverts for their revenue.

What Makes People Use Ad Blockers?

At first glance, it seems simple to give an answer to this question. People use adblockers because ads get in the way of what they want to see on the internet. However, it’s not the only one. Adblockers are reportedly used for a variety of reasons, according to research, including the display of inappropriate ads, longer ad page loads, and privacy issues.

How Can You Fight Adblockers?

Let’s start by stating that there is no method of overcoming adblockers that is 100 percent effective. However, there are things you can do technically. More specifically, there are ways that publishers who publish adverts on their websites may do about it.

The use of an adblocker by a user can be detected by websites. It is possible to prevent the complete content of the website from being displayed if the user uses an adblocker. However, entirely preventing the user from accessing the content in this manner might result in negative user feedback. Therefore, it appears that blocking some of the material and respectfully informing the user of the value of adverts for websites is the best course of action.

Alternative Advertising Methods

The best course of action to tackle adblockers is to acknowledge their existence in the first place. You can create a strategy to reduce the possibility of adverts not being displayed in this way. It is advisable to utilize ad formats for this that adblockers cannot recognize. Your marketing communications mix should include things like native advertising, content marketing, email marketing, and in-app advertisements.

But some things are also changing in the favor of marketers. The majority of browsers have limitations on ad blocking usage. On the other hand, some of the big publishers have started to take the measures we mentioned before.

As a result, diversifying advertising investments is the greatest thing advertisers can do to counter adblockers. The risk of ads not reaching target audiences is reduced by include ads in ad plans that cannot be identified by adblockers.