Website speed has become one of the most important factors for search engines (well, Google) in rankings. If you want your website to be at the top in search results, you must pay attention to the speed of your website.
We have 5 tips to increase your website’s speed.
1- Check Your Website Speed
First of all, you have to check your website’s speed to see what to improve.
To check your website speed, there are some tools on the market. But the most useful one is Google’s own PageSpeed Insights. This tool will provide lots of valuable information to improve your website speed.
2 – Find a Better Hosting
Finding a hosting provider can be a little tricky and changing your hosting when your website is live is painful. So, it’s better to start your website with a fast hosting.
There are two main hosting options: Shared and dedicated.
Shared hosting is much cheaper than the dedicated one. If you have a small business and don’t expect too much traffic on your website, there is nothing wrong to go for a shared hosting package. But be careful to select the right one – as there are many. Make sure about the online time and configuration of the server.
If, at some point, you expect to have more than 10,000 visitors a day, you should probably consider having a dedicated server. A dedicated server will cost more, but you have the freedom to customize your server’s configuration for your needs.
3 – Have a Faster CMS
When it comes to CMS, most of the web administrators don’t take speed into consideration. But for fast rendering pages, you need a clean-coded CMS.
WordPress is the dominating CMS in the market. It not only is free, but also has lots of features to improve your website’s speed.
But if you are in a more complicated business and need a more sophisticated CMS, always consider the factor of speed.
4 – Optimize Your Assets
When publishing content on your website, optimization must be one of the key policies you have to follow. Always avoid heavy coded java scripts of CSS files. Also always try to reduce the size of images and videos.
5 – Use Caching
Server-side and client-side caching can dramatically increase your website’s speed. Instead of rendering every page every time, pre-rendered pages will decrease your server’s response time. Also, a content delivery network (CDN) can distribute cached copies of your website through hundreds of servers globally. Reducing the render time and geographical distance will dramatically increase your speed.